
The Dinosaurs at Prehistoric Gardens are scientifically correct restorations, authentic in detail and restored in as life-like manner as possible. The Dinosaurs’ size and shape is based on measurements of the mounted fossil skeletons displayed in the larger natural history museums of the United States. Exactly 23 Dinosaurs in total.  Ranging from the flying Pteranadon with a wingspan of 27 feet to the massive Brachiosaurus that towers 46 feet off the ground, the Prehistoric Gardens is chalk full of those awesome animals that disappeared from the face of this earth over 70 million years ago!

The Dinosaurs are so life-like, I felt like I was in Jurassic Park!

Alongside each Dinosaur exhibit is a plaque that contains fun facts about the dinosaur.  Did you know the Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a peanut? The Dinosaur Tracks lead the way as you walk among these massive creatures.  Self-guided tours allow you to see the dinosaurs at your own pace and even take a second trip around if you wish.

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